Nothing is more frustrating than working hard to bring visitors to your site only for them to abandon their shopping cart without making a purchase.
We can help you win them back. Using a strategy called “retargeting”, we will leverage the full capability of search and social channels to market directly to users who have already interacted with your brand.
You visited your competitor’s website, and now you see their ads everywhere. In your Facebook feed, in the margins of other websites, even in your email, there they are. It’s as if they own the internet.
Your competitors are using a strategy called “retargeting”, aka Remarketing.
The way it works is we use cookies to “tag” visitors to your website. That tag then allows us to continue marketing to those visitors through channels like Google and Facebook. You’re not buying the whole internet, just access to people who have already shown an interest in your company.
Oftentimes people hesitate before making a purchase. Maybe the timing isn’t right, or they want to do more research, so they navigate away from your website and leave their shopping cart abandoned.
Retargeting lets you serve ads specifically to those customers, inducing them to come back and complete their purchase.
Many people forget the address of the sites they have visited and you need a way to remind them. Or maybe they are a past customer and you want to notify them of a new sale. Retargeting lets you tailor messages to users based on their past interaction with your website or social media page.
“Pay-per-click” advertising with Google and Facebook means you are only charged when someone clicks on your ad to visit your website. You are not charged just for appearing on the page. “Owning the internet” is a lot more affordable than you might think.
Our PPC specialists are experienced in all the major paid media platforms: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Pinterest Ads, Twitter Ads, and AdRoll. Your account manager will work with you to determine the appropriate channels for your budget and business objectives.
The marketing platforms do not disclose identifying information about specific visitors, and each platform has some minimum list size required before it will deliver retargeted advertising in order to protect user anonymity.
Retargeting does not build your audience list, rather it leverages your existing audience to get more conversions. You still need an audience-building strategy, and retargeting will help you make the most of those efforts.
The truth is that marketing is inherently competitive, and there is no substitute for an experienced professional. If you decide to run your own retargeting campaign, be sure to do plenty of research beforehand. Here are some resources to get you started.
If you decide to hire a professional, you have come to the right place.
Even our smallest PPC management engagements can include a retargeting component. In terms of cost-per-click, it is one of the most affordable marketing tactics available. But retargeting does not work on its own because it requires an active audience list – one that is built using traditional PPC, SEO, and social media marketing.
There are a million low-cost agencies and freelancers that will sell you digital services a la carte without any regard for a larger strategy, but those efforts are usually doomed to fail and give digital marketing a bad name. The important thing is to have a holistic, integrated marketing strategy that utilizes a mix of tactics and channels so that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
VineOneNine Media is a refuge for digital marketers who want to make a living but don’t want to engage in the kind of dishonest practices that are commonplace in the digital marketing industry. There are so many ways to mess up retargeting, and we honestly truly don’t want you to waste time and money learning the hard way.
So whether or not you decide to hire us or go it alone, we’d love the chance to talk with you about your marketing goals and help steer you in the right direction.
Just click the button below and we will do a little research on your company before teeing up a conversation with one of our marketing strategists. If you are ready to win back lost visitors and improve customer retention with an effective retargeting campaign, we are ready to help.
Whatever your business objective is, we can help you reach it with a solution that meets your budget. Just click the sign up button below and we will do a little research on your company before teeing up a conversation. If you are ready to grow your business through a comprehensive marketing strategy, we are ready to help.
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